End-Stage Capitalism

Five hackers rant about the security industry and the general decline in human progress. But as not all is lost, we then provide useful tips to hackers both old and new.

Symbol Crash also introduces the Hacker Helpline at PSTN 206-486-NARC (6272), or send an audio email to podcast@symbolcrash.com


Building the Andromeda Strain Post-Exploitation Training RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hushcon-training-2019-building-the-andromeda-strain-tickets-68555046991

Monthly hardware hacking meetup (4th Friday of the month): https://www.meetup.com/Symbol-Crash-Proper-Hacker-Training/




All music produced by Symbol Crash.

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Author: awgh

ain't nothin like it once was

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